This idea that women are victimized by some vast conspiracy - patriarchy. (...) Everyone knows the old saying, women and children first. Women and children first. Basically that men are disposable like toy soldiers you can throw into the fire of war. Men are disposable. (...) Why is it women first before men? Well, biologically we gonna sort of understand that, right? Eggs are more rare and harder to grow than sperm. Yeah, but we suppose to sum out biology in civilization, right? That's sort of the point of civilization is to not be run by base animal instincts.
Now, who were oppressed were slaves. They were really oppressed. And if the riverboat went down there was no ethic that says, slaves first on the lifeboat, save the slaves first and foremost, let the rich white slave owner jerk slave die, but save those slaves. But the ethic throughout almost whole of the human history was, safe the women at the expence of the men. That doesn't really sound a lot like patriarchy to me.
Stefan Molyneux "The Mythology of the Working Mom"