What would be the second last step in [the progression to police state]? When would you know that it's coming? Wouldn't it be to see that government overseeing a construction of a giant wall around the border? So that nobody could get out? Now, of course if that did start to happen and then the aliens zoom in for a closer listen they wouldn't hear government officials telling everybody:
- OK, guess what? Actually we were a bunch of tyrans. All along we were planning to take away your liberties and this is the final step right before we drop the hammer. We just build this wall so you literally can't escape anymore. Ha, ha, surprise!
No, they wouldn't say that. What they would say is:
- Well, yeah, the budget's tight, we gotta make tough choices all over the place but the people have spoken. You're sick and tired of these Mexicans coming and stealing your jobs, overwhelming the public school system. We hear you, we hear you. (...) We will finally build that giant wall, we'll have the dogs, we'll have the guys with night vision gogles patrolling and we'll have the helicopters. (...) We'll put up an electric fense, what have you. Yes, we will do what you people ask for to protect you, to keep out those drug traffickers, all those horrible things that we know are being caused by these poorest southern border. We'll solve that. And we'll have this wise expenditure of public funds on your behalf, because you live in the best, freest country on earth. God bless America.
...as they build that wall.
Robert Murphy "Closed Border Keeps You In"